办公室: 新能源所E205
2009年中南大学本科毕业。2009年2013年师从美国犹他大学H.Y.Sohn教授攻读博士学位,从事一维裂解高温氧化物制备及其结晶和生长过程的模拟计算。2013年至2017年分别以博士后,副研究员身份在美国工程院院士Anil Virkar教授团队从事固体氧化物燃料电池研究工作,与Virkar教授共同发表了基于可测参数的SOFC计算模型,后期基于该模型开发了ZV-SOFC性能计算平台。针对低温质子交换膜燃料电池的纳米铂金催化剂的氧化及一氧化碳毒化现象,分别开发了动力学模型,并制备了纳米薄膜和组装了微型探测器验证了铂的表面氧化及1-100 ppm浓度的CO对铂金表面的毒化效应;开发了稳态法快速测定混合离子导体电子电导率,并验证了通过掺杂有限且微量的电子电导可以显著提升电解水制氢器件稳定性。采用气相转化法制备了高强度钠离子传导beta-Al2O3/YSZ复合电解质,所制备的固态钠离子电池室温具有良好的电池充放电性能,并可采用离子交换法将钠离子导体转换为锂离子或银离子传导固态电解质。
2、 可逆质子陶瓷燃料电池
L. Z. Zhu,et al., R. O’Hayre, N. Sullivan, Ammonia-fed reversible protonic ceramic fuel cells with Ru-based catalyst, Communications Chemistry, 4 (121), 2021.
L. Z. Zhu, R. O'Hayre, N. Sullivan, High performance tubular protonic ceramic fuel cells via highly-scalable extrusion process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46 (4), 2021.
L. Z. Zhuand A. Virkar, Sodium, Silver and Lithium-Ion Conducting β”-Alumina + YSZ Composites, Ionic Conductivity and Stability, Crystals, 11, 293, 2021.
L. Zhang,L. Z. Zhu, and A. V. Virkar, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 166, No.16, 2019.
C. C. Duan, et al.,L. Z. Zhu., R. R. O’Hayre. Highly efficient reversible protonic ceramic electrochemial cells for power generation and fuel production. Nature Energy, Vol.4, 230–240, 2019.
L.Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, A. V. Virkar, A Study of CO Adsorption/Desorption on an Thin Platinum Film by the Measurement of Electrical Resistance, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (3) F232-F237,2018.
L. Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, A. V. Virkar, Role of Electronic Conduction in Stability of Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cells (SOEC), ECS Transactions, 80 (9) 81-89 (2017).
L. Z. Zhu, A. V. Virkar, Fabrication of Li-β" alumina + Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Composites and Their Application in Lithium Battery, ECS Transactions, 80 (9) 35-44 , 2017.
L. Zhang,L. Z. Zhu, and A. V. Virkar, Nanostructured Cathodes for Solid OxideFuel Cells by a Solution Spray-Coating Process, Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 163 (13) F1358-F1365, 2016.
L. Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, A.V. Virkar, Electroreduction of Zirconia Using Embedded Electrodes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (7) F714-F718, 2016.
L. Zhang,L. Z. Zhu, and A. V. Virkar, Electronic Conductivity Measurement of 8YSZ Solid Electrolytes by a Transient Technique, J. Power Sources, 302 98-106, 2016.
L. Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, and A. V. Virkar, “A parametric model for solid oxide fuel cells based on measurements made on cell materials and components,” J. Power Sources, vol. 291, pp. 138–155, 2015.
L. Z. Zhu, L. Zhang, and A. V. Virkar, “Measurement of Ionic and Electronic Conductivities of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia by an Embedded Electrode Method,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 162, no. 3, pp.F298–F309, 2015.
L. Z. Zhu, S. Kapoor, Q. Parry, A. Nahata, and A. V. Virkar, “Oxidation/reduction studies on nanoporous platinum films by electrical resistance measurements,” J. Power Sources, vol. 269, pp. 621–631, 2014.